Fusion Toastmasters Amsterdam

Who We Are

We are an international public speaking club known for its welcoming, fun, and exciting atmosphere.

What brings us all together is a common goal to practice and improve our communication, listening, and leadership skills.

We create a safe and mutually supportive environment that helps every member to practice public speaking as well as give and receive encouraging feedback. An informal and friendly vibe of our meetings enables us to create a high engagement among all participants and have a lot of fun. That's what makes our club a great place to learn and grow together!

At Fusion Toastmasters, a good speaker can become a great speaker. And a great speaker can become exceptional.

About Our Club

Fusion Toastmasters Amsterdam was started in 2013 by an intrepid group of committed Toastmasters, looking for a fresh English speaking club that celebrates the international spirit of Amsterdam. Ever since the club was started, Fusion members have enthusiastically supported each other in their paths towards greater learning and self improvement!

For Club Members

This site contains information to help our members understand what it means to be a part of Fusion, as well as how to use our online tools and other resources. Navigate the links in the menu to find out more about our club, EasySpeak, and Pathways.

Is something missing or unclear? We're always looking to improve! Share your questions or suggestions with the VP PR of the club.

For Guests and Aspiring Members

If you want to get a first-hand experience of being a part of the club, we are more than happy to welcome you as a guest to one of our meetings. You can find more information about our meetings and register here.